Stream-Notice of Q&A with Sev from 20th Jan. 23

Table of Contents
- General:
- Return to Carn Dûm
- Power-Revamp
- Delvingsystem
- 16th Anniversary
- Legendary Server
- 64-bit Server
- Lag-Spikes
- New Biomes
- Avatars
- More Graphics Updates
- PvP
- New premium housing
- New Class
- River-Hobbits
- Gondor
- Carn Dûm
- Leveling
- Landscape Difficulty Systems
- New Launcher and 2FA
- New Forum
- Returning in old Instances?
- Returning of 6 Boss-Raids?
We have written some Notice here from the Q&A Stream with Sev from 20th January 2023.
Return to Carn Dûm
With update 35 we will return to Carn Dûm. There will be new instances and a raid. This will be followed by a few class changes and the power revision as an important value again.
The crafting will also be reworked. A developer book will be published soon. All classes should be effective with the time in 2023. The update will appear shortly on Bullroarer (February) and live in March.
We are not adding a new system, the game should not make it very interesting as a result. The changes will not affect the exploration of the world.
There will be mechanisms to recover power, but we have to be careful how we use it in group games.
There will be ways to balance this power, especially in terms of statistics.
With update 35 we add delvings in school and library.
16th Anniversary
We add some new Rewards
Legendary Server
Shadowfax will move up to the regular server level this year, there will be a new session of legendary servers, but it is too early to talk about it. Shadowfax will be closed in this situation then.
64-bit Server
The master server is gradually being converted to this architecture, but it will be a long-term task to extend it to all structures due to economic constraints.
This is a never-ending battle and we will tackle the way the servers manage the quest system. We need to rework the code for this management.
We’re also working on a fix so that the game doesn’t have to skip over all the quests in the game to see where your character is. This causes a lot of lag every time you connect.
This work is already done for the points of interest, we are still working on the rest.
Not all of the lags will disappear, but we will eliminate some of them and then address the other causes.
New Biomes
This affects all plants, grasses, rocks, trees and all elements that give visual identity to an area. The further south we go, the more obvious the changes in the landscape become.
This graphical update is going slower than expected. But you will soon see updates on the people (possibly for the birthday).
More Graphics Updates
We would like to make an update to the interface specifically for 4K monitors and also work on the map display.
Orion is currently working on quality of life changes. There will be other things we want to add this year. However, this is not on the roadmap.
New premium housing
Maybe in the middle of the year we will receive a new housing area.
New Class
At the end of the year a new class will be released with the expansion Umbar. If you are good at guessing, you can look forward to a Corsair class.
Eventually will appear in connection with the new premium housing.
This will allow us to see the Gondor after the Battle and it will also connect to our trip to the south. It will be interesting to see all the problems that can arise in the administration of a country that has experienced a Battle.
Carn Dûm
It will have a lot to do with instances and those with three players in the Delving system will benefit and the raid.
We have no plans to change the way leveling up is handled in the game. It’s part of the Middle Earth experience. There are ways to level up faster, but we’re not going to create shortcuts to leveling up, so it should be an experience for everyone.
Landscape Difficulty Systems
Maybe in the middle of the year on the regular server
New Launcher and 2FA
These is Work in Progress.
New Forum
The Old Forum is archived and moves to a new platform later these Year.
Returning in old Instances?
This is not planned, because the old content uses a technology that is no longer used.
Returning of 6 Boss-Raids?
We will no longer do this type of raid for now, as it requires a large investment from players to complete and causes a large lag overall. We would rather do 2-3 boss raids than a six boss raid then.
Due to the lags, we are no longer doing 24 player raids.